We have a new phone #
You can now call us or text us at this number.
Registration for Summer Classes will begin online on April 16.
Registration ends when the classes are full.
Celebrating Dance In Selma For Over 50Â Years

Dance is fun! At The Dancing School we impart the joy of dance while developing strength, flexibility, mental discipline, and confidence that extends to all areas of the student's lives.
All of our classes teach healthy technique. We emphasis alignment, core strength, energy and enjoyment.
Most importantly, The Dancing School has helped it's students develop into outstanding men and women, through the discipline and responsibility inherent in the pursuit of dance excellence.
We Are So Proud Of Our Teachers. Click Below To Find Out All About Them.
2024-25 School Year Tuition
We believe every child should experience dance. The Dancing School Is Committed To Keeping Our Tuition Affordable For Families. In order to do that, we must stick to our tuition policies.
Tuition For September 3, 2024 – June 1, 2025
Your 1st month’s tuition and your Registration Fee is due before you begin class.
The Registration Fee is $30/student or $35/family.
We have split the school-year tuition into 9 equal payments. Your tuition is the same every month September thru May no matter how many weeks are in the month.
Please refer to The Dancing School Calendar for classes you will receive.
Tuition and Registration fees are not refundable.
Pay By The Month
1 class per week $49/month
2 classes per week $86/month 25% off 2nd class
3 classes per week $115/month 40% off 3rd class
4 classes per week $139/month 50% off 4th class
5 classes per week $159/month 60% off 5th class
6+ classes per week $174/month 70% off 6th and more classes
Pay By The Semester And Receive 15% Off
1st Semester: Sept - Dec. Due by Sept.16th. 2nd Semester: Jan - June 5. Due by Jan 21st.
1 class per week- 1st Semester: $167.00 / 2nd Semester: $208
2 classes per week- 1st Semester: $292 / 2nd Semester: $365
3 classes per week- 1st Semester: $391 / 2nd Semester: $489
4 classes per week- 1st Semester: $474 / 2nd Semester: $593
5 classes per week- 1st Semester: $541 / 2nd Semester $676
6+ classes per week- 1st Semester: $592 / 2nd Semester: $739
Individual Class$16.00
Private Lesson $30/ ½ hour - No discounts available for private lessons.
Because we believe so strongly that multiple classes per week are essential for dedicated students older than 7, we have substantial discounts for multiple classes. We hope this enables more of our dancers to take several classes/wk.
* To receive semester discount you must pay in full by:
September 16 – 1st semester. January 21 – 2nd semester. No Exceptions.
The third student in the immediate family receives ½ price classes.
In Fairness To All Students There Will Be No Exceptions To The Following Policies.
1. Your monthly tuition is due the 1st class of each month and is late after the 15th of the
month. A $5/month late fee will be added to your account if it carries a balance after the 15th.
2. Tuition paid for one month may not be carried over as credit, even if classes are missed.
3. Tuition is automatically charged each month unless the student drops the class before the month begins by filling out a drop card or calling the studio and informing Beth.
4. Makeup classes are the student’s responsibility. Makeup classes are not transferable and may not be taken once the student has dropped the class. Makeups may only be taken in classes on the regular Dancing School Schedule.
5. No cash refunds will be given.
Payment Options:
Venmo - Search for @TheDancingSchool or Elizabeth Zobian. Last 4 digits are 2928
Zelle - bethzobian@hotmail.com
Visa or Mastercard - By phone or in person.
Mail check to The Dancing School 2013 2nd Street Selma, CA 93662
Arrange to meet Beth at the studio to pay cash.
What Should I Wear To Class?
Ballet - Girls/Women: A leotard of any color, ballet tights of any color (dancers younger than 11 may have bare legs) A ballet skirt is optional. Pink ballet shoes. Except in Adult Ballet, which has no dress code, no t-shirts, shorts or other non-dance items may be worn.
Ballet - Boys/Men- Close fitting T-shirt, men's tights. Shorts are permissible. Black ballet shoes are recommended.
Jazz and Tap - Girls/Women: A leotard of any color may be worn with leggings or workout shorts. No hoodies, or denim of
any kind. Black tap shoes or jazz shoes.
For All classes hair must be out of the dancer's face and off their neck. Ponytails, french braids and buns are ideal.
Where can I get dance clothes/shoes?
Online - Discount Dance.com. You may use our discount code: TP72329
In person - Sunnyside Dancewear. 5092 N. Blackstone, Fresno (Blackstone and Shaw) 559-237-1505
Usually Open Wed-Fri Noon -5. Sat 10-5.
Do I wear underwear with my leotard?
No. Leotards are like bathing suits. Dancers do not wear underwear to avoid panty lines.
Why do you not have classes for children younger than 3.5?
While some children may be ready for our classes at 3.5, most are not ready until 4 or even 5. Every child is different. For very young dancers the most appropriate activity is dancing freely to the music in their home, without a teacher telling them how to dance and when to move. This way they can discover movement at their own pace. Our classes are structured and require students to listen to the teacher and follow directions. Students who are 3.5 and older will generally be ready for this type of class.
May I take pictures/video during class?
Pictures and video can be distracting to the dancers. You may take pictures/video of your dancer before the class begins or once the class is finished, but not during the class. Please be sure to only include your dancer or that you have permission from the other dancer's parent.
Which Studio Is Which?
Studio A is our original studio. It is located at the top of the stairs. We call it Studio A after Beth's sister, Andreanna.
One family member per dancer is allowed in the studio starting September 2021
Studio B is the smaller studio upstairs with the beautiful stained glass windows. Julie holds most of her classes here. B is for Beth.
One family member per dancer is allowed in the studio on the dancer's first two classes and two designated days per semester after that.
Studio D is downstairs. We opened this studio in 2007. D is for Deanna. One family member per dancer is allowed in the studio as of September 2021.
Should I watch my child in dance class?
Our young dancers, ages 3.5-8 almost always pay better attention in class when their family is not watching. We want the students to be focused on the teacher and their instructions so we prefer that families drop off and pick up. However, we know that families like to see their dancer's progress and so our policy allows one family member to check in on the student for a few minutes at a time by looking through the window in studio B. In Studio D one family member may stay and watch, but please consider l whether they might do better without an audience. When in doubt, ask your child's teacher.
Who are The 2nd Street Dancers?
The 2nd Street Dancers are a group of students aged 7 to adult that perform in our community and beyond. They all study ballet and jazz and audition each fall to be in the group. 2nd Street provides performance opportunities for these dancers and provides entertainment and dance enrichment for our community.
The 2nd Street Dancers have performed in China, Greece, Italy, and Mexico. They perform annually at The Fresno Fair, The Selma Raisin Festival, Great America and various community events.
What other costs will come up during the school year?
Besides tuition and your registration fee, the only other cost that will come up will be The Recital Package. The recital package payment will be due December 7th. It includes recital rehearsals, the recital costumes, and it allows you to invite family and friends to the show without purchasing tickets. If your student takes 1class/week the package is $57. The prices for multiple classes will be published in October, 2024.Â
Obviously, $57Â does not actually cover the cost of everything included in the recital package. The Dancing School subsidizes the package to help families participate.
This year's Recital will be Sunday, June 1, 2025. The mandatory Dress Rehearsal is Saturday, May 31.

In Memory of Cindy Taylor Hansen
We are so sad to have lost our beloved student, teacher and friend in a car accident in November of 2018.
Cindy began dancing with us when she was 4 years old. She was an original member of The 2nd Street Dancers and choreographed many amazing pieces for them. She traveled with The 2nd Street Dancers to China, Greece, Italy and Cuba. Cindy started teaching jazz at The Dancing School in 1998 and always brought creativity and fresh energy to her classes. Now every axel and backbend - two of her favorites- will forever more be "Cindy steps" to all of us. With every movement we will have her voice in our heads, challenging us to be stronger, more expressive artists. Her legacy at The Dancing School will live on as her students push themselves for her.

The Cindy Taylor Hansen Foundation For The Live Arts serves to promote, educate and support young artists in her memory.
Please consider making a tax deductible donation to this 501c3.
Please send your donation to:
The Cindy Taylor Hansen Foundation For The Live Arts
38835 Road 12
Kingsburg, CA 93631
The Cindy Taylor Hansen Memorial Foundation is accepts applications for summer dance scholarships at The Dancing School each spring.
Deadline: May 1, 2024
How To Reach Us
Email Beth: bethzobian@gmail.com
Call the studio; 899-7686
Hours may vary, but usually
Monday - Thursday 11:00 am - 9:00 pm.
Instagram: @thedancingschool

The Dancing School Staff

Deanna Moser Driscoll - Founder
Deanna Moser Driscoll - Founding Director / Ballet Teacher.
Deanna, a former dancer with The San Francisco Ballet, has trained with Harold and Lew Christiansen, Madame Maria Baldina of The Russian Imperial Ballet and with Peter Van Moydon of The Royal Netherlands Ballet.
Deanna was the co-founder and former co-director of The Fresno Jazz Company and the founder and director of The 2nd Street Dancers. She holds a B.A. in Psychology from the University of San Francisco.
In addition to directing The Dancing School, she was a consultant to Fresno Unified School District's Roosevelt School of the Arts for 19 years. As one of the founding faculty members, Deanna has watched many of her students attain professional status in the performing arts.
Deanna currently serves on the board of The Selma Arts Council. She is the marriage coordinator for St. Anthony's Church in Fresno as well as a volunteer with Catholic Charities.
Deanna is active in the local community as a member of the Board of Directors of the Selma Arts Council, as well as choreographing many performances for the Raisin Cain Players and other community groups.

Beth Zobian - Director
Beth returned to The Dancing School as co-director in 1999 after completing her Master's thesis on dance education at Golden Gate University in San Francisco. She holds a multiple subject teaching credential and has taught 2nd, 3rd and 5th grade. From 1999 to 2016 she taught ballet and jazz at Roosevelt School of the Arts in Fresno. Beth is a former member of The Fresno Ballet and The Fresno Jazz Co.
Beth grew up at The Dancing School, taking classes from her mom since she was 3 years old. She loves the school, it's teachers and students and the nurturing atmosphere that each dancer feels here. Now, as director she is grateful to continue offering the quality dance education that her mother provided.

Julie Tsutsui
Children's Ballet, Creative Dance & Tap
Julie has been studying at The Dancing School since 1972 and teaching ballet since 1980. She loves teaching young children and says that the spirits of children make them perfect dancers.
Julie holds a Multiple Subject teaching credential with an emphasis in early childhood education and taught kindergarten before she started her family. She currently teaches PreK at Wolters School in Fresno.
She and her husband Larry (high school sweethearts) have 8 children; Martha, Krista, Sarah, Laura, Julia, Hanna, Takashi and Wilma.
Julie is well loved by all at The Dancing School and in 1997 was honored by The 2nd Street Dancers when they performed a biographical show about her life called From There to Here. In that show Julie's love for dance and generosity as a teacher was portrayed. Julie says she believes with all her heart that
"the world would be a better place if everyone could take a dance class."
We are honored to have Julie as an integral part of The Dancing School heritage and faculty!

Nikki Valentine
Jazz & Tap
Nikki has been dancing at The Dancing School since she was 6 years old. She has been part of The 2nd Street Dancers since 1992 and has been an often featured dancer in all five of our international tours. She has also choreographed for many 2nd Street Shows including the Rogue Festival show Dancing With Powerful Voices. Nikki’s ballet, jazz and tap technique has made her a sought after teacher at The Dancing School.
Nikki teaches English at Roosevelt High School in Fresno. In her spare time she enjoys reading and spending time with her family. Her dedication to all her students is one of the qualities that make her such an asset to The Dancing School.

Rachel Byers
Rachel Byers has professional stage experience in musical theater, jazz, hip hop and contemporary. She received her BA in Dance from UNCC in 2001 and enjoyed performing for several years in N.C.. In 2005 Rachel made the switch from dancing solely for entertainment to creating dances with deeper meaning and for 2 years she and her husband travelled across the U.S. performing and sharing the stories behind the dances.Â
In 2007 they moved to Germany where she and her husband served as foreign missionaries for 14 yrs, using dance, pottery and music to help survivors of severe trauma. Combined with personal testimony, she shared her dances throughout Europe as a freelance artist as well as with the performing groups Remnant (2008-2015) and Metanoia (2017-2019).Â
When Covid hit in 2019 she transitioned from performing to private coaching, special projects and directing videos of her dances so that they could reach more people. In 2021 her family followed God’s leading to a new mission field, the Central Valley in C.A. Rachel currently teaches Contemporary workshops at The Dancing School in Selma and teaches dance classes for Human Trafficking survivors in Fresno. Her dances continue to be stories with deeper meaning with the goal of making an impact on both the dancers and the viewers.  Aside from dance her ministry involves mentoring survivors of sexual trauma, sharing her story of hope and healing publicly and educating others on the realities of healing from trauma.

Victoria Quintana
Victoria has been dancing since she was three years old, and her love for dance began in her home state, Texas, at Amanda’s Dance Express. After moving to California, she started taking classes at The Dancing School in 2013. Her first recital was The Boy Who Cried Wolf, where she performed as a frog with her gymnastics class. Victoria has been a part of the 2nd St. Dancers for seven years and has had the privilege of dancing the roles of Clara and the Sugar Plum Fairy in The Dancing School’s The Nutty Nutcracker. Victoria appreciates the welcoming atmosphere of The Dancing School and has made life-long friendships with the dancers there. She loves to spread joy to others through her dancing and finds it a way to express her creativity.
Victoria graduated 6th in her class from Selma High in 2021. She currently attends Fresno State.Â
Victoria would like to thank her family for their never-ending support, and her dance teachers Miss Ronda, Beth, Deanna, Nikki, Cindy, and Rachel for cultivating her love for dance. She will be attending California State University Fresno in the fall and majoring in entrepreneurship. Victoria is truly blessed to have the opportunity to dance at The Dancing School and to be graduating during its 50th anniversary!

Important Dates
For updates please visit our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/TheDancingSchoolOfSelma
Sept 3, 2024 - Classes Begin
Sept 16, 2024 - Last day to get semester discount
September 28 - Nutcracker Auditions.
Oct 31, 2024 - Halloween. No Classes
Nov 11 -Veteran's Day . No Classes
Nov 25-29, 2024. Thanksgiving Break.
Dec 12, 2024 - No Classes - Nutcracker Rehearsal.
Dec 14 & 15, 2024 - Nutcracker Performances.
Dec 23 -Jan 10 - Winter Break
Jan 20, 2025 - ML King Jr Day. No Classes.
Jan 21, 2025 - Deadline for 2nd semester payments.
Feb 17, 2025 - Presidents Day. No Classes.
Apr 14 - 21 - Spring Break
May 3, 2025 - In Studio Rehearsal.
May 26, 2025 - Memorial Day. No Classes.
May 27, 2025 - Mon & Tues classes meet together.
May 28, 2025 - Wed & Thurs classes meet together.
May 29, 2025. No Classes. Recital Prep.
May 31, 2025 - Mandatory Dress Rehearsal.
June 1, 2025 - Recital.

Our dance trip to Cuba was amazing.
August 2-6, 2017